by Nicole Mara | Apr 24, 2022 | Articles
What would you do, if you knew that today is your last day alive? Would you do, what you are just doing, reading a blog on the internet? Maybe from someone, you don´t even know. How did you end up on my blog? Did you search for something else? That´s quite often...Surely you know those days…
You lie in bed at night and your thoughts wont stop. The look at the alarm clock drives you crazy, you know exactly that you have to get up soon. The night is over and you struggle to get out of bed. Moisturizer and make-up can only cover up the dark circles, but the bad mood and irritability don’t go away that easily. Not to mention that at 6:00 a.m. your day already feels like it’s midnight.
Based on your blood test results, your lifestyle and the medical history form, you will receive a vitamin and mineral product tailored to you. The future of nutrition has arrived and your sleepless nights, irritability and fatigue no longer stand a chance. In addition to the dietary supplements, you will also receive nutritional tips and of course you can also use the HEALY to support you. As an official partner of Healy, we offer aura measurements and frequency treatments with the HEALY.
HEALY is a device for the treatment of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, bone pain and migraine, as well as for the concomitant treatment of mental illnesses such as depression, anxiety and related sleep disorders.
The most incredible thing about HEALY is that it has a quantum sensor inside that analyzes our energy field every 15 seconds and can therefore send frequencies that we need at any time. The HEALY adapts its frequencies to each person according to their lifestyle.
As an official partner of Bioniq/Loewi, we integrate vitamins and minerals to support your performance. Therefore you will get
Holistic coaching at its best!
Would you like to know more about our partner? Or you want to find out how the blood test works, then do not hesitate to make an appointment for a consultation today.
Deep in your heart you wish to be and live authentically in every moment – does that sound like your longing? Then, what are you waiting for. Lets check your body and health and get you back on track.
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